The Culinary Boss Podcast

Discover expert strategies, tech tips and entrepreneurial inspiration to help you grow your multi-dimensional culinary business.

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  • "5 stars, 5 hearts, 5 high fives!"

    As a chef educator of 20 years who pivoted to teaching online in 2020, I can vouch that this is a treasure trove for anyone wanting to teach culinary virtually!

    I wish I had discovered Cynthia when I was getting started but I’m thrilled to be connected now. There’s always more to learn and with Cynthia’s background and all of these fascinating talented guests, I’m eager to dive into all this content.”

    -Lauren Chandler

  • "Inspiring and thoughtful business stories"

    “I’ve been developing my culinary business for almost ten years and I find Cynthia’s podcasts very inspiring and helpful, to this day!

    There are so many stories from others in the field who give me helpful thoughts and ideas and keep me going from the day to day. I have no doubt that Cynthia’s programs online are awesome.”

    -Anja Lee

  • "Perfect for culinary biz owners"

    “I highly recommend this podcast if you want to gain more insight and knowledge about running your own culinary biz!”

    -Anna Bacall

  • "Informed and inspirational"

    “Cynthia’s energy is so infectious, at the end of each show, you will be inspired to apply what you just learned to your business. Each guest has a unique story and if you are in the food business or want to be, you will always be entertained and informed at the same time. Cynthia is an amazing marketing guru and excellent interviewer.”

    -Rick Rodgers